How to stop drinking?

If you feel ready to stop drinking and reach out for support, then you can absolutely recover from alcohol addiction. In order to stop drinking, you’ll need to have an understanding of why you are addicted to alcohol in the first place. Then, from there you can reach out for the right support and create a beneficial action plan to help yourself stop drinking. 

How to begin the process of stopping drinking?

Firstly, share your goal with a loved one and ask for their help. They can be there to help you track your alcohol intake, measure your servings and look after your bottles or cans for you. 

It may be useful to slowly come off the spirits, and begin drinking lower-strength drinks instead. You could also weaken your drinks by adding water or a mixer.  After this, you could even try alternation. This would include drinking a non-alcoholic drink for every alcoholic drink you have. 

In addition, you will be surprised at the benefits of a healthy diet when trying to stop drinking. Avoid as much sugar and caffeine, including coffee and energy drinks, as possible and eat plenty of B1 foods such as brown rice and wholemeal bread. Or instead, you could take vitamin B1 supplements. 

If you're a long-term alcoholic, then you might need to be medically supervised during your detoxification.

Detox can be done on an outpatient basis or in a hospital or alcohol treatment facility, where you could be prescribed medication to prevent medical complications and relieve withdrawal symptoms. 

Seek professional treatment 

Alcohol addiction treatment is the most effective way to stop drinking through the advice of experts, specialised therapy and necessary treatment. Alcohol addiction treatment will help you overcome your addiction to alcohol in a safe environment. 

At The Turning Point, we offer specialised alcohol addiction treatment programmes that are tailored to your unique needs. Our programmes incorporate therapeutic-based treatment approaches that are proven effective in helping our clients overcome addiction and set them on the path to alcohol rehabilitation. Call us on 0800 863 3869 or email us at We truly look forward to helping you to stop drinking and begin a better quality of life.