How Effective Are 12 Step Programmes for New Zealanders?

The 12 Step Programme is a recovery programme designed to help people overcome drug abuse, alcoholism, or other addictions that may be affecting their physical or mental well-being. The 12 step programme teaches how to overcome addiction, avoid relapse, and help others in their recovery journey. It is peer-led and involves one addict helping another.  

Do 12 Step Programmes Work? 

Addiction is a complicated illness and therefore there is no one-size-fits-all cure for it. As such, 12 Step Programmes aren't always suitable for everyone. However, there are many times when they are a great help, and numerous former addicts have found their way to sobriety through using one.  

The 12 Step Programme provides tools that can help someone on their journey to recovery and also prevent them from relapsing. On top of this, they get to meet other addiction sufferers, meaning they feel less alone on this journey.  

 The 12 Step programme has been adopted by many recovery clinics and rehab centres worldwide because it has been proven to be so effective.  

Although the 12 step programme does vary slightly from one recovery clinic to another, because they are adapted to suit a group's needs, the basic steps remain the same. This means that even when someone moves away from an area, they are likely to find similar help and support in their new location.  

Why 12 Step Programmes Work 

12 Step Programmes work because they help the person develop new coping skills, meaning that they can better deal with their addiction and with life in general. They provide a close community of supportive and accepting people—often current or former addicts themselves—who they can rely upon when they feel they need support or guidance. This non-judgemental community can help them transition into sobriety, as well as give them ways to maintain their recovery and avoid relapse.   

The person is also encouraged to get in touch with their inner spiritual strength, which can make them feel stronger and more capable of fighting their illness. They are encouraged to be honest and open-minded—both with themselves and others.  This can help an addict admit their problems, accept they need help, and also help fellow sufferers. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction and you would like to know more about the 12 Step Programme, please get in touch. We have trained professionals who can help aid recovery and ensure long-term sobriety for you or your loved one.